Friday, 5 December 2008

its all comming together

The other day I was in uni with my group and we began making the halls and outer building for the scene. Over that evening followed I put the finishing touches to it. Because the scene has to be imported in to everyone else’s scene so that they can render form the outside the majority of the materials are all internal to Max (Max’s own material library) or they might get lost during the merge. There are a few external images but nothing that could be seen at the start of one of our animations so it would not matter should it disappear for that.

On Thursday we were in uni until 10pm trying to solve issues with merging the hall scene with the individual scenes. This was mainly due to lighting problem (surprisingly all the doors and windows lined up straight away, I suspected a few issues there), when the hall lights were introduced to the scene the person room got a lot lighter as did their door that the camera began looking at, this meant the scenes would not line just snap together in premier pro. The solution we devised to solve this was to animate from the hall in to the persons room for a few frames and keyframe down the hall lights as the door opened, this meant the lighting would then be the same and we were again at a point where we could get them put together in Premier Pro easier (he says with a great deal of hope).

We are all going back in on Monday when hopefully everyone will have their scene fully rendered and we can put the whole animation together. I think its going to be quite a long animation (and probably a long Monday), probably close to 5 minutes as we have all ended up creating a longer animation than we had planned to.

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